If you have any questions about the exam, check out the Q&A below or contact British Council Berlin.
A high score in IELTS reflects your ability to understand fully and communicate effectively hinein English.
We unlock the potential of millions of people worldwide. Our assessments, publications and research spread knowledge, spark enquiry and aid understanding around the world.
Test results are available online 13 days after your test date. You can either receive your Test Report Form by post or collect it from the Test Centre. You will normally only receive one copy of the Test Report Form, though you may ask for a second copy if you are applying to the UK or copyright for immigration purposes - be sure to specify this when you register for IELTS.
IELTS General Weiterbildung measures English language proficiency hinein a practical, everyday context. The test you choose should Beryllium based on what you want to achieve.
The test taker has fully operational command of the language. Their use of English is appropriate, accurate and fluent, and shows complete understanding.
Exam candidates work on communicative tasks close to day-to-day life and show what they can do rein their everyday life, at work or hinein their studies.
Ein Englischzertifikat speichern zu wollen kann viele Gründe gutschrift. Vermutlich um an einer ausländischen Universität studieren zu können, um dank guten Englischkenntnissen die Karriereleiter hochzuklettern oder um in dem englischsprachigen Ausland nach leben zumal zu buckeln.
The TOEIC® is a standardized and objective measure of professional English. TOEIC® test results are comparable worldwide and are therefore internationally recognized hinein companies, universities and business schools.
To take a bathroom break, raise your hand and wait for the proctor to call you. Do not leave your desk without the permission of the proctor.
The test evaluates listening and reading competence rein professional settings using an adaptive test click here method. The result is documented on a scale from A1 to C2.
Quality Standards This is where you will find detailed information on what makes a good exam and how we continuously ensure and demonstrate the quality of ur Goethe certificates.
The test taker has a partial command of the language and copes with overall meaning hinein most situations, although they are likely to make many mistakes. They should be able to handle basic communication hinein their own field.
We unlock the potential of millions of people worldwide. Our assessments, publications and research spread knowledge, spark enquiry and aid understanding around the world.